Last month there were a few of us that turned up at the Cambs, Herts and
Essex Area Group (CHEAG) in Newport for a natter about what modelling
we are currently doing.
My good friend Carlos Vasco was
explaining that his modelling time is rather constrained by the need to
get everything out to use the kitchen table and then put everything away
afterwards, as he doesn't have the advantage of a dedicated space that
he can leave projects on. I thought that I'd post about a couple of
solutions to this, before I hope to see him next at January's CHEAG
As I've mentioned before, I'm fortunate to have the
space to have a converted bureau/writing desk to do my modelling on. If
I want to be tidy, I push everything to the back and close up the
However it's still quite difficult to fit the "modelling bureau" in the back of the car for my semi-annual trips to
that I'd spotted was that the fantasy wargaming chain of Games Workshop
had produced a portable workbench that they intended for gamers to
paint figures on. Now these have been discontinued, but they do come
up from time to time on Ebay. Here is an example of one in an auction:
can be found on both assembled or unassembled form. I was fortunate to
find an unbuilt example, so it was possible for me to decide if and how
I wanted to modify it.
I've equipped it with a tufnol soldering area on the
right and a cutting mat at the left hand side. With that is the mount
for a vice. This is for one of the little (but good quality) modeller's
vices sold by Eileen's Emporium. These have the advantage that you can
buy spare bases for the vice unit, so I can swap it from my proper
bench to this portable one.
The paint station comes with a
variety of holes drilled for paintbrushes, although I use them for all
sorts of tools. To stop things rolling around and to keep some type of
order, I used a hot glue gun to fasten a cheap stationery tray to the
board, which is useful for popping small parts in whilst working. On
the other side is a glued down soldering iron stand, to stop that
wandering around.
Two things that I should also mention are recommendations
from the Missenden course notes. One of them is a wooden strip across
the front of the underneath, to hold it square on a table and stop it
sliding around. The other is to cover the underneath with some green
baize to protect any surfaces that it is put on top of.
Now the
thing that I mentioned earlier was that these paint stations are no
longer produced, so they can be hard to find. So I was very pleased to
find a new development at this year's Warley show. Whilst speaking to
Grainge & Hodder, who do some of my 5522 etchings for me, I noticed
that they had a laser cut worktray. They had produced it just in time
for Warley, and had already sold several of them.
It's now a stock item, and can be found on their website:
examined it, it looks better designed than mine, and is also lighter.
Obviously, it's also possible for you to customise it as you wish. If I
manage to break/lose my original one, I'm sure that I'll buy one of
these as a replacement.
I hope that this has given you some thoughts on what to do when space is tight...