Tuesday, 13 August 2013

In passing...

...I mentioned the weathering that needs to be finished.  I realise that I haven't posted any pictures showing the current state of this.

The initial rather raw body colour has had a first coat of black wash over it, to bring up the detail.  It has also nicely toned down the brick red to a much more workaday colour.  This is actually now very similar to the prototype colour photo that I have been working from.  This is of an industrial saddle tank locomotive, working in an ironstone quarry.

At this point I'm happy with the basic colouring, and the next step is to work up all of the detailed weathering of different types of oil mark, rust, coal, etc, etc.  Plenty of reference photos will be called into play for this as well.

However in the meantime I'll be re-fitting the driving wheels to my Y14.  They've just had the red lining applied around the rim.  I was going to leave it off, and go for a road-dirt filthy look to cover the absence of the lining.  I changed my mind :-)

I must polish the ultramarine paint from the treads first though.  A much easier job to do with the wheels off the loco than on it.



  1. You really are having a burst of enthusiasm aren't you?
    The tram looks lovely, as does the Pug and it is good to see one done in industrial form

  2. The apparent burst of activity is coming from a couple of sources... There is the fact that I've been doing bits and pieces for a couple of months, and not had the time to post about them.

    And then there is the desire to finish a number of items off for good. I simply have too many things on the go. I haven't even mentioned the Coffeepot yet, or Ulpha Light... So from now on, it will be one thing at a time!
