After another bout of five or six wagons having new couplings fitted, and generally renovated, I fancy something different.
So before diving straight into a full etched kit, I thought that I should warm my skills back up on an easier RTR conversion. Rather than a simple conversion using drop-in wheelsets, I have two of High Level Kits' replacement chassis for the venerable Dapol Pug.
I bought these two bodies over a decade ago, and made a start at scratchbuilding a chassis for one of them using hand-fretted frames. Since then the HLK chassis kits have arrived, and I've parked my effort to one side.
So this is what I have: one stout white box, and one body with original chassis and motor.
The body will be backdated and repainted in L&Y colours, but that is for the future to worry about. In the meantime, what's in the box???
A comprehensive range of plastic bags, full of all sorts of bits. Several sheets of very comprehensive instructions, including a cross-reference to an article in Model Railway Journal. I've added some Alan Gibson wheels, and with the kit I bought a suitable motor and gears.
So apart from some etched L&Y number plates, the kit is complete.
Let's hope that I get some free time tomorrow to get started!