Friday, 9 September 2011

More painting...

Someone prodded me a couple of days ago to ask how the tram engine was going. The answer is progressively through the paintshop...

Paint 001.jpg

The boiler is from the tram, and the backhead from the Y14. They will both be getting gauges, brasswork and similar picked out on them next.

The tram itself has had another coat of teak basecolour, but then washed over with a Dulux teak effect topcoat. It's shiny, but doesn't give a convincing effect of woodgrain in 4mm.

I don't want to lose more of the detail by putting another coat of base colour over the top, so will see what can be done with dry brushing and weathering...

Oh, and the tram interior will have to be painted again, as just after I completed that with a "guessed" colour of off-white, I found a reference that the GER painted cab interiors in tan. There are days when I really wish for a GER equivalent of "Great Western Way"!


  1. In re the interior of the tram being tan...possibly not. The body came under the jurisdiction of the Carriage & Wagon Dept, and was thus separated from the rest of the loco and sent off to that department for attention when at Stratford for an exam or repairs. The body exterior was treated the same as a carriage, that is originally varnished on release to traffic, then twice stripped and re-varnished over the course of the following decade after which it was painted teak - a lighter golden colour to match a newly varnished carriage rather than the later LNER dull brown.

    In all the contemporary photographs I've seen, none indicate a tan interior, but a colour similar to the exterior - varnished wood - mirroring exactly what they did to carriage interiors.

  2. Hi Adrian,

    Thanks for the thoughts - makes a lot of sense. As I've just repainted it a couple of days ago, I'm not going to chance my luck with the panelling and redo it again... I'll just say that the Locomotive Shop got their brushes on it when the body was being fitted back on the chassis ;-)

    Point learned for the next one though!
