Saturday, 7 March 2015

Missenden Spring 2015 is go!

Last night saw the clans gathering for a virtually full capacity Railway Modelling Weekend at Missenden Abbey.  The maximum capacity of the Abbey is 70 places, and we have 69 attendees signed up.  It's a tribute to how popular these courses have become.  Note to self - book for the Autumn course as soon as it is available...

After an excellent fish and chip dinner, the main room was filled for the ritual Health and Safety briefing.

David Brandreth has just explained to Tim Shackleton how to avoid paper cuts...

Some of the assembled masses.  This room is used for the 4mm modelling cohort, so there are 19 of us happily filing little bits of brass.

My own workstation.  

I'm aiming to use the weekend to (nearly) finish a Connoisseur Models GER J65 Buckjumper that I started at Missenden last autumn, and basically haven't touched since.  It's being built with CSB suspension, which I'm comfortable with.  However it's also going to be my first attempt at split-frame chassis, so watch out for the fun and games!

Until later...


  1. Strangely similar looking cohorts!

    1. Not so similar to previous years... As well as the regulars, I understand that there are over twenty new faces for whom this is their first Missenden. The ones that I've spoken with are greatly enjoying it.
